DC Protein Skimmer nrog super ntsiag to DC twj tso kua mis (Built-in twj tso kua mis thiab lwm lub twj tso kua mis version)
Txheej txheem cej luam
Peb tsom mus rau high-end thoob dej yug ntses ua lag luam, thiab tuav 60% siab kawg thoob dej yug ntses ua lag luam nyob rau hauv Tuam Tshoj, ntau tshaj 300 deals nyob rau hauv domestic thiab muaj OEM thiab ODM kev rau ntau lub ntiaj teb no zoo-paub hom.Xws li Tropical Marine Center hauv UK, Royal Exclusiv hauv Gemany thiab lwm yam.Peb muaj peb lub Hoobkas molding, muaj peev xwm thiab muaj peev xwm qhib pwm.Txais tos tuaj xyuas peb!
Qhov no high-end xiav series muaj lub ntsiab feature raws li hauv qab no:
● Super ntsiag to twj, <30dB
● Tshwj xeeb koob rotor
● Kauv zoo li ntsiag to nrog tsim patent
● Kev txuag hluav taws xob thiab txuag nyiaj
● 24V DC tsis tshua muaj hluav taws xob, ua haujlwm zoo
● Nws pib hluav taws xob txiav tawm tiv thaiv
Mua odel | TSI - 150 REEF-150 UA | RPEB-200 REEF-200 UA | RPEB-250 REEF-250 UA | RPEB-300 REEF-300 UA |
Ppom flow | 3000L / H | 8000L / H | 10000L / H | 12000L / H |
Voltage / Lub zog | 24V / 30W | 24V / 42W | 24V / 52 W | 24V / 60W |
Ssiv tau tank loj | 400l ua | 400L-1000L | 1000L-2000L | 1500L-3000L |
Skimmer diam | 150 hli | 200mm ib | 250 hli | 300mm ib |
Lthiab loj | 260 * 180 * 520 hli 240 * 190 * 525 hli | 330 * 230 * 570 hli 310 * 240 * 560 hli | 410 * 280 * 620mm 370 * 290 * 590 hli | 450 * 330 * 630 hli 420 * 335 * 630 hli |
Byog dej theem | 18-23 cm | 18-23 cm | 18-23 cm | 18-23 cm |

● Lub sijhawm xa khoom ntev npaum li cas?
Qauv xaj yog 3 ~ 5 hnub.
Kev txiav txim ntau yog 10 ~ 15 hnub.
Yog tias muaj cov twj tso kua mis hauv Tshuag, nws yog 2 hnub.
● Lub warranty ntawm lub twj tso kua mis ntev npaum li cas?
Warranty yog 5 xyoos, tuaj yeem kho lossis xa rov qab dawb yog tias tsis yog neeg tsim kev puas tsuaj.
● Txoj kev them nyiaj yog dab tsi?
Paypal lossis T / T, Alipay
● Cov ntawv pov thawj twg koj lub twj tso kua mis dhau lawm?
Tag nrho peb cov khoom tau dhau CE, RoHS
Zoo siab txais tos OEM thiab ODM!
1.DC Tsawg voltage muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab txhim khu kev qha
2.Peb theem brushless sine yoj tswj tshuab
3.Tshem tawm cov suab nrov nrov ntawm electromagnetic, du thiab ntsiag to
4.Lub twj tso kua mis lub cev thiab lub tsav tuaj yeem sib cais thiab tiv taus qhov kub thiab txias
5.Magnetic isolation tsim, to proof, waterproof qib IP68.
6.Acid, alkali thiab ntsev corrosion kuj, roj kuj, organic solvents thiab lwm yam kua xov xwm (sib tham ua ntej)
7.Lub zog tsis tu ncua tuaj yeem hloov kho (piv txwv li, 12V 80W dej twj tso kua mis, Lub zog tsis tu ncua 80W nrog qhov sib txawv ntawm 12v-24v)
8.Constant ceev tuaj yeem hloov kho (kom ceev tsis hloov thaum lub load hloov)
9.Accurate qhuav khiav tiv thaiv thiab Jam tiv thaiv raws li tam sim no nrhiav tau (programmable tiv thaiv mechanism)
10.Soft pib tshem tawm lub ncov voltage thiab txo qhov pib tam sim no
11.Suitable rau Music ciav thiab lwm yam high-frequency start-stop daim ntawv thov
12.MPPT muaj nuj nqi tuaj yeem hloov kho rau lub hnub ci fais fab kom tsis txhob pib tsis zoo thaum lub teeb tsis muaj zog.
13.Lub twj tso kua mis thiab lub twj tso kua mis tswj qhov system tuaj yeem hloov kho rau ntau yam kev thov ib puag ncig